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Flummoxed By Filters? This Should Help!

Given that my Filters Buyers Guide has been so well received over on the Wex Blog (10,000+ views at the time of writing), I thought I’d share the link here, for the benefit of those of you who maybe haven’t seen it yet.

Filters are curious things. So simple in their design and yet to the uninitiated they can be the cause of much confusion – both at the time of purchase and when put into use.

Very often, enthusiastic photographers readily part with their hard-earned cash, purchasing filters which they believe will improve their pictures, only to be disappointed with the results. This actually isn’t anyone’s fault, rather a matter of education; as ever, knowing how to pick the right tool for the job and, more importantly, knowing how to get the best out of it, should be your starting point.

In this guide, I’m going to give you a basic overview of what’s out there. Of course, not all shapes and varieties of filter will suit every photographer (or their budget), but there will be something that’s right for you. With a little thought and pre-purchase research, you can be sure that you’ll be spending your money wisely when the time comes to invest in a set of filters.

For a direct link to that guide, hit the link below:

Wex Blog – Filters Buyers Guide



Category: Location photography, Test/Review, Writing

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