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Q&A 500 – Healthy Food & Drink For Photo Shoots?

TAP_Seed & Nut Mix_IMG_6638_© Giles Babbidge Photography 2015

What is the most important consideration ahead of undertaking a photo shoot?

Making sure you’ve understood your brief and selecting the right kit for the job is a given. Picking the right clothing, specific to location and time of year is important – you really have to be comfortable. But then what? Having a bad-weather contingency plan, making sure everyone’s contact details are up to date, packing suitable food and drink for the day, putting plenty of fuel in the car…

Wait. What? Packing suitable food and drink?


If you’ve followed my activities for a while, you’ll know that I’m not only concerned with the photography side of my work, but also the importance of keeping an eye on my health and fitness. After all, what good would I be if I didn’t have the strength or stamina to undertake the demands of the job?

Now, I’m not suggesting everyone should suddenly drop everything and head off to their nearest health food shop or supermarket. Nor am I saying you should embark on a hell-for-leather approach to building the ‘new you.’ But what I would encourage is that you give some considered thought to how you can avoid the pitfalls of bad diet and the consequences it can possibly bring.

Realistically, it can be difficult to guarantee that decent food and drink will be available when carrying out photo shoots – let alone finding the time to consume it. Knowing that I will be rushing around all day, I always try to plan ahead, giving thought to the food and drink I pack in the car so I’m not caught out by the ‘motorway services trap’ somewhere along the way. This isn’t necessarily whole meals, but nutritious, healthy snacks which will keep me going until I’m done.

I know what works for me, but who better to advise than someone who really knows their stuff? I asked Stephan Konrad (remember him from these previous podcasts?) to shed some light on how you can help yourself along on busy photo shoot days.

We’re all different, and the following advice is merely a guide – but it’s a great start.

Over to Stephan…

To generalise and to cover most diets, lifestyles and training regimes, nuts are the clear winners in terms of nutrition and practicality. Walnuts, almonds and brazils are probably the most nutritious types; – high in protein, antioxidants, healthy fats (for brain function), slow release carbohydrates and minerals.

I’d put seeds in 2nd place.

Berries, fresh or dried, come in 3rd – they are rich in vitamins, fast release carbs (fructose) and antioxidants. The best are blueberries, cranberries, acai berries and raspberries (although it’s best to avoid these if you’re trying to reduce body fat). 

As for drinks – water is always best, but green tea, red bush and herbal teas and coffee in moderation are great too. Especially consider tea and coffee which contains ‘Ganoderma Lucidum’ – it’s great for alertness, hydration, energy and antioxidants. All are very practical in a flask.”

Stephan Konrad is a personal trainer with a passion for helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. He’s super-approachable so if you have any questions, feel to drop him a line through his website –

If you have a question about photography, writing, the outdoors, being freelance etc – just ask and I’ll give you a no-waffle 500-word answer. If you’re on Twitter, add the #QA500 hashtag and send your question to me @gilesbabbidge.



Category: Q&A 500, Technique

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