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Best Lighting Kit For Close-up Photographs

TAP_Wex Blog_Close-up lighting kit guide, 03.08.15

The topic of how to light a photograph is vast and there are many techniques that can be employed. As you might expect, the market is flooded with many tools for the job – from reflectors to flashguns and LED panels to light tents.

How we go about creating the look we want is always going to boil down to a mix of factors – not least of all the peculiarities of certain subjects, the logistics of creating the desired effect and, of course, our own technical preferences.

The way we light a group runners on a hill path, for example, is very different to how we might tackle a close-up of a flower. That said, certain techniques can often be adapted to work on the smaller scale.

In my latest article to hit the Wex Blog, I highlight a number of lighting options that you might like to consider when dealing with the macro world.

Here is your link to the article. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section below this post.



Category: Location photography, Technique, Writing

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