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Tungsten, Halogen & Fluorescent Vs. LED Lighting

TAP_Wex Blog_Continuous light guide, 04.08.15

Following yesterday’s update, the second of my freshly-written lighting-related guides has now gone live over on the Wex Blog. Here’s a brief overview of what I talk about this time around:

Aside from manipulating the existing light in a scene with a selection of reflectors, diffusers and other devices, there will come a time when you’ll no doubt need to introduce your own illumination in order to get the desired results.

Of course, there are many options for those who want to expand their lighting kit. For many of you, I suspect the obvious choice would be to invest in a flashgun. Having one or two of these at the ready is never a bad thing, but their use is not always practical (or even permitted) in certain situations.

For occasions where flash is not the way forward, your Plan B comes in the form of what we call ‘continuous’ light. This usually involves an ‘always-on’ design, typically in the form of tungsten, halogen or LED lamps.

In this latest guide, then, I outline a few of the options available, highlighting specific products suitable for various shooting situations.

Here is your link to the article. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section below this post.



Category: Location photography, Technique, Writing

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