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I’m Back In The Saddle (A Brief TAP Update)

A quick update for you today…

I’m back!

Well, technically, I never actually went away – I’ve just been very busy taking care of this and that. If you follow me on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, you’ll already know what I’ve been up to over the past month or so – and that I’ve had to take some extra time to concentrate of certain things.

Here’s one of the biggest changes of late… Increasingly, my ‘office’ is not an office in the traditional sense. You’ll often find me somewhere outdoors, in a pub (drinking coffee, honest!) or in a café. I like to keep things varied, which in turn helps me stay focused and productive.

In fact, I was sat by the shoreline only this morning, cracking on with things (more of which I’ll be talking about in a separate post shortly).

It looked something a little like this:

I’ve got a load of content ready to wing its way to you in the weeks leading up to Christmas. This will be the usual mix of Test/Review features, advice pieces and, yes, podcasts.

Speaking of which…

You might be wondering where the podcast has gone if you’re a regular listener/subscriber. Fear not, it’s still very much alive and well! It’ll be making a return in due course.

So there you have it – a brief update of why things have been a little quiet round here of late. Thanks for your patience, folks.

Here’s to some great adventures and insights throughout the autumn and winter!



Category: General

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