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The Moment I Realised (Facebook Live Doughnut)

This afternoon, keen to bang the drum for storytelling, I decided to do an informal Facebook Live.

I should probably mention right up front that this was after I had stayed up all night in order to meet a deadline. In hindsight, not the finest idea I’ve ever crafted, perhaps?!

A easy mistake to make?

The Live had been intended for a closed group that I belong to for, business owners. However…

I accidentally broadcast it on my Facebook profile by mistake

‘Oops’, as they say.

I shared things on there that were never meant to be in the public timeline (nothing confidential, but stuff which I was happier to share with the group rather than with the public at large).

Those who watched will have seen the moment I realised my mistake. It’s actually quite funny.

Here’s the thing…

In the past, I would have been mortified. Embarrassed. Hit the STOP button without question. But I didn’t.


Because it’s good to show people you make mistakes. It’s good to face your faults.

And besides… CONTENT!!!

Plus I was able to give Lewis Raymond Taylor and the Hunger Start empire a shout-out!

Sure, I lost my train of thought a bit. I think I picked it up quite well, though.

I actually don’t mind either way.

It’s not that I have no shame – I’m just much more at ease with being ‘me’ these days.

Here’s the crazy thing…

I kind of wanted to jump right back on and do another one… on my Profile!


But no. I met this head-on. Owned it. Learned from it. Even gave myself a giggle about it. And it’s important to laugh at yourself.

Today is Content & Creativity Friday… and as it happens, I inadvertently told a little bit more of my story.

How would we tell your story…?



Category: Storytelling, Technique, Video

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