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Your Pictures Are Killing You

It’s Monday.

What if I told you that by Friday, far from solidifying your reputation, the pictures you’ve used for promotion will have actually damaged it?

Your ideal audience won’t be thinking “Wow… I need that!”. Far from it.

Sounds dramatic – but I see this every day.

It seems like folks sort of… well… panic when the decision is made to post on social media. Even with advance warning, office conversations around the country are punctuated with the words…

“Do we have a picture we can share on Facebook?”

The answer, predictably, is often a somewhat forlorn “no”.

Now let’s flip things around.

What if I told you that by Friday, rather than undermining your reputation, the pictures you’ve used will have actually placed you in a position of authority in your audience’s mind?

Those same would-be customers are now thinking “That looks interesting, just what I’ve been looking for”.

Cue the applause.

What difference would the additional enquiries make to you right now?

In what ways would the additional income allow you to grow your business, free up time, indulge in the lifestyle you want?

It’s only Monday. There’s still time.



If you’re not sharing your story with your audience, you’re missing a trick!

I’ve put together a free guide that covering the 5 key steps that will help you successfully use photography to get your message across.

It’s right here. Enjoy!



Category: Photography for business, Storytelling

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