As I think back to the times when I had my COVID vaccinations, I’m reminded of something that stands out from the day I had my first jab.
It was a simple, no-fuss affair which was over and done with in next to know time. That’s to say, it consisted of nothing remarkable to write home about … except for one notable factor.
The nurse who administered my jab was a friendly, chatty lady. Her bedside manner, as it were, was lovely and we had a nice bit of banter as she ran through the various questions she was obliged to ask.
In the mix, she asked me whether I was fit, well, active etc… Of course I said yes and a question was jointly raised:
Why wouldn’t you choose to have an active lifestyle?
Now, of course, I appreciate this is something of a blanket question and that for a lot of people – with such widely differing circumstances – it can often be easier said than done.
But the question remains… Given the choice of moving regularly, embracing a life of health, fitness and wellbeing – why would you not choose that way of living?
If you’re reading this, there’s a fair chance you already share this sentiment and I’m therefore preaching to the choir.
But if you’re sitting there and these words are striking a chord which sits a little uneasily… I’m not here to lecture you – merely encourage you to move a little more, make a few choices which take you consciously in that direction and help you to make the most of the (often FREE) benefits of adopting an active lifestyle.
You won’t regret it!