People often ask me what’s the best way to get into a hammock… Here’s your answer! 😉
(Make sure you have the sound on).
People often ask me what’s the best way to get into a hammock… Here’s your answer! 😉
(Make sure you have the sound on).
This week: I’m giving you a run-down of what I got up to at this year’s Outdoor Trade Show. As ever, I had a very productive time at the Show and in this episode, I’m talking about everything from my camping setup whilst there, to who I talked with and what new products particularly caught my eye. […]
What do you do when you discover a break in the handle of your trusty outdoor mug? You turn it into a paracord project, of course! I’ve had this Thermos Thermocafé for years – you’ve no doubt seen it in other pictures and videos featuring my outdoor exploits along the way. It just keeps on […]
This week: I’m telling you about a talk I recently gave at a camera club. It’ll come as no surprise to regular listeners when I say that I love sharing my knowledge and passion for photography and the outdoors with anyone who is willing to listen. One of my favourite ways to do this is to deliver […]
When you consider the statistics, the importance of using and consuming clean water when on location really shouldn’t be taken lightly. For example – among other dangerous substances, Lead and Chlorine traces can be found in almost all drinking water in Europe and the US. And last year, there were 163,000 UK complaints about water/food illness […]