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Mug Handle Quick Fix Using 550 Paracord

What do you do when you discover a break in the handle of your trusty outdoor mug?

You turn it into a paracord project, of course!

I’ve had this Thermos Thermocafé for years – you’ve no doubt seen it in other pictures and videos featuring my outdoor exploits along the way.

It just keeps on going – so there was no way I was going to let a small crack take it out of action!

Using standard 550 paracord, I turned to the classic Cobra weave, giving me a nice, chunky grip for my trusty mug.

It took just a matter of minutes to do, but is highly effective in ensuring that minor fracture doesn’t get serious. I also think the end result doesn’t look too bad either, do you?

Just so you know, I’m working on putting together a How-To for you, so you can try this neat little hack for yourself.



Category: Camping, Microadventure, Technique

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