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Video: Euan Beaden X Peli 9490 RALS Lighting

In this recent podcast, I told you about how I teamed up with Peli for a Test/Review featuring one of their location lights – a 9490 RALS. The product write-up will follow, but in the meantime I want to share some of the details of a shoot I did using the light…

The premise was simple: How effective are Peli’s lights when used to illuminate portraits (given that this is not their intended purpose)?

Getting my friend Euan on board proved to be the perfect match. A young guy with a fancy car, he also happens to be a great subject, willing to try all sorts of crazy things in the name of getting a good picture (just see how/where he parks his Corsa VXR in the video!).

On the day of the shoot, we headed out to a waterside location and the scene was set. Peli had sent me a single unit, packed with a whopping 6000 lumens of light! Although this output is variable, it stayed on full power for the whole duration in order to secure the shots.

Well naturally, we shot some behind-the-scenes video along the way…




Category: Location photography, Night photography, Technique, Video

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