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Just. Be. You.

Why do people choose to work with me rather than someone else when commissioning a photographer?

After all, there are plenty of us out there.

We essentially have the same equipment at our disposal. The same set of techniques. The same opportunities to connect online and in the ‘real world’.

Yet there has to be something – a spark, a quirk, a reason – that makes them think:

“He’s the one for me!

Of course, there’s a lot to be said for technical ability, visual style, professional conduct etc – but these are only pieces of the puzzle.

The answer is actually quite simple. They pick me because…

I. Am. Me.

Over the years, I’ve put a lot of thought into what separates me from the competition, what my USP is and how I can position myself in the industry.

Truth be told, I’ve often thought waaaay too much about this! Which is never a good thing.

Now, not wishing to make this sound like a CV entry, but I like to think that I’m hardworking, approachable, dedicated and upfront with my clients. I produce the best work I can and, well, I am a great team player*

*Jokes – do people still put that on their CVs?!

Every day that I sit in front of my computer, I see a scrap of yellow paper stuck to the bottom of my monitor.

On it are written 3 very simple words which act as a constant reminder of what matters and what ultimately gets me those commissions:

Just. Be. You.

Arnold Schwarzenegger once said “The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that”.

I can see where he’s coming from.


What makes you different? I can help you tell your story.



Category: General, Technique

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